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Texas ATCT - TRACON Facilities

Texas ATCT/TRACON Facility Locations - Contact Information

  1. ABI - Abilene

    kabi, abi, abilene, atct, texas
  2. ACT - Waco

    kact, act, waco, atct, texas
  3. AMA - Amarillo

    kama, ama, amarillo, atct, rick husband, texas
  4. AUS - Austin

    kaus, aus, austin, atct, bergstrom, texas
  5. CRP - Corpus Christi

    kcrp, crp, corpus, corpus christi, texas, atct
  6. ELP - El Paso

    kelp, elp, el paso, atct, texas
  7. GGG - Longview

    kggg, ggg, longview, atct, texas, gregg county, east texas
  8. LBB - Lubbock

    klbb, lbb, lubbock, preston smith, atct, texas
  9. MAF - Midland

    kmaf, maf, midland, atct, spaceport, texas
  10. SAT - San Antonio

    ksat, sat, san antonio, atct, texas