1. ATC offers you all of the content that the larger sites offer at NONE of the cost! This site is free. The resources are free. Why pay to access information on other websites when you can get it here, FREE!

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Developer Puzzle Pieces - ATC Founders

The founders of a website are those who were the first to appear and help develop a website.

Developer Puzzle Pieces - ATC Founders

Founding Members

Founding members are those who have joined and help develop a new website.

This website cost a great deal of money and time to create. Members pay nothing to access and utilize the data on this site.

This website does cost someone (me) money and member contributions are essential to the continued maintenance and development of the site. We feel that those who contribute over the course of the first year should be listed as founding members and recognized as such. Without the founding members of Air Traffic Control, this website would not have succeeded.

At the end of the first 365 days of this websites operation, this page will become preserved as a dedicated page to thank and recognize those who helped to develop this website in its infancy. Those members will be immortalized on this page for future generations of Air Traffic Controllers to recognize and thank for the content this site offers and will never be made available again.

The founding members and their contributions are ensuring that this website remains a reliable and active resource as it develops into the largest Air Traffic Control resource on the internet.

Recognition - Puzzle Pieces

The puzzle pieces are a representation of the creation of this amazing resource. Every contribution is a piece to something much larger than each section individually. They are also going to be used to recognize each member that has contributed.

There are four puzzle pieces that we are using as a metaphor for the creation of the site and are represented under 4 classes of site recognition. Every piece of the puzzle is appreciated and needed to maintain this resource and to cover the monthly overhead.

Copper Founder

Copper puzzle pieces represent those who donated $5.00 toward the continued development of this website.

Silver Founder

Silver puzzle pieces represent those who donated $10.00 toward the continued development of this website.

Gold Founder

Gold puzzle pieces represent those who donated $20.00 toward the continued development of this website.

Platinum Founder

Platinum puzzle pieces represent those who donated $35.00 or more toward the continued development of this website and will be granted access to all new site features in the future before they are made available to the general public.